Marriage Ingredients.

Riddhi M Kunjwani
3 min readMay 27, 2021


Marriage!! Wedding!! these terms, for a few, have become scary, apprehensive, doubtful, and uncommitted due to experiences they have had around them or because of their biased nature towards their independence and personal choices. Further, if few of them would want to marry, they do not want to get committed. They would want to move for live-in relationships to understand each other but still do not want to get committed. So, what is the concern here? Marriage or level of commitment?

Eligible singles around us are competent, intelligent, robust, and versatile. But they get reluctant to adapt to our beautiful culture of marrying. In addition, the ones who are already married, accuse this culture of marrying and wish if they had not married & stayed single. Well! Discussion on this concept of marriage is quite subjective. We all would comment on the basis of our respective experiences. But have we ever thought that, now and then, we wish for an unmarried life or want to stay single? Doesn’t it sound unaccepted still? The reason is, nature cannot uproot this incredible culture of marriage, between a male and female, and females adapting the male’s home, family, and culture. Because females are known for high emotional intelligence and adaptability skills. They can flexibly & happily adapt to the changes in life if willingly they want to. That is why they have been known to have multiple identities in a single life: A daughter, wife, daughter-in-law, mother, even a working professional. Having mentioned that, most of them are emotional and sometimes fragile. They need a partner who can balance her life by taking rational (Objective and analytical) decisions and that’s where the role of a male comes in! As they are comparatively high in their Intelligent quotient. Both deserve each other and are equally essential in a relationship. This bonding transforms them from a MALE-FEMALE version to a HUSBAND-WIFE version. They need each other to make life moving, to support each other for certain challenges, to celebrate for many occasions in personal and professional life.

Furthermore, the apprehensions of marriage are also about the conflicts, difference of opinions & choices, and loss of independent life. For this, we must understand the fact that, besides this universe, our human body is also made up of 5 various elements: Water, Earth, Fire, Air, and Space. Inevitably, we are sometimes going to get influenced by these. We can sometimes be as calming as water or as burning like fire. We may have different choices and opinions. Not denying, but respecting these, is the strongest quality we must adapt. And, independence is never lost, only commitment level and priority rise.

Flipping the concerns now, IN-LAWS! Adapting to each other’s family must be on only one perspective; treating them the way we treat our parents. Nothing can be discussed or doubted beyond this.

Lastly, Transparency in Communication plays an essential role in this. Lack of this leads to misinterpretations, misunderstandings, regret, loss of trust, and most important loss of peace. Therefore, appreciate each other for their work, discuss plans, accomplishments, and failures, recommend and suggest wherever required, also fight: a little distance makes us bring more closer to each other.

Marriage is a beautiful journey! We may get vulnerable to few challenges but we must never underestimate our commitment, trust, and rapport with each other. This journey brings in change and loads of valuable experiences. Simultaneously, is bliss as we are loved and accepted by many parents and families. Hence, we and our kids never get deprived of parent’s and grandparent’s love, affection & blessings.



Riddhi M Kunjwani

I am a logophile. Truly optimistic. Love my life, although there are stumbling blocks. Purposeful about my passions. Strongly believe in visualizing things